IJD - Italian Journal of Disabilities
The Italian Journal of Disability was founded in 2001 and aims to stimulate scientific debate on assessment, treatment and integration of people with impairments and disabilities by publishing the work of researchers, scholars and professionals Italians and foreigners. The GID can find space research contributions in theoretical, or empirical methodology, the production of diagnostic and intervention procedures, updated reviews on specific topics, experiences and case-reports.
The Journal includes:
- original contributions by italian and foreign researches
- translations of articles published in an International Journal
- tools for the analysis of disability
- the description of a genetic syndrome
- a description of an International Journal dedicated to disability
in Rubric report
- IJD Reviews, dedicated to new titles in disability literature and
- IJD Conference, dedicated to new ideas and proposals from national and international Conferences
Scientific editor
Salvatore Soresi and Renzo Vianello
Scientific Committee
M. Angi (Padova), E. Arslan (Padova), F. Barale (Pavia), L. Bartolomei (Vicenza), N. Basaglia (Ferrara), A. Bianchetti (Cremona), P. Bisiacchi (Padova), F. Bortolon (Vicenza), C. Caltagirone (Roma), A. Canevaro (Bologna), C. Cornoldi (Padova), R. Cubelli (Padova), L. De Anna (Roma), S. Di Nuovo (Catania), A. Fiaschi (Verona), G. Foresti (Milano), L. Galliani (Padova), G.G. Mascetti (Padova), A. Mazzucchi (Prato) P. Meazzini (Roma), P. Moderato (Parma), D. Palomba (Padova), L. Pedrabissi (Padova), S. Perini (Parma), G. Pinto (Firenze), L. Pizzamiglio (Roma), A. Rasore Quartino (Genova), M. L. Rusconi (Padova), M. Sala (Milano), N. Saviolo (Padova), C. Scorretti (Parma), C. Semenza (Trieste), S. Soresi (Padova), P. Tonin (Venezia), V. Toso (Vicenza), S. Ucelli (Pavia), C. A. Umiltà (Padova), R. Vianello (Padova).
Scientific editorial office
Centro di ateneo di Servizi e Ricerca per la Disabilità, la Riabilitazione e l'Integrazione -
Università degli Studi di Padova -
Via Belzoni 80 - 35131 Padova -
tel. 049 8278477 - fax 049 827 8451 -
» Indexes and summaries (file .pdf)
Design Life and Career Counseling: Building Hope and resilience
(Padua 20, 21 and 22 June 2013)
Program (pdf)
Organized with the LaRIOS laboratory under the patronage of the most important international and national associations, the most prestigious research groups at the international level and publishers:
- European Society of VocationalDesigning and Career Counseling (ESVDC);
- Life Design International Research Group;
- AdaptabilityInternational Research Group;
- SIO, Italian Society for Vocationa Guidance;
- International Hope ResearchTeam- IHRT;
- Division 17 – American Psychological Association;
- International Section of Division 17 –APA;
- Society for Vocational Psychology-SVP;
- Division 16 – International Association AppliedPsychology;
- NICE Erasmus Network-2;
- Italian Network – University training in vocational guidance;
- Euro Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research (EMCER);
- AIP, Italian Psychology association;Italian Positive Psychology Association;
- Hogrefe Publishing.
For more details see:
WEBIST 2013 9th International conference on web Information Systems and Technologies
During this conference "HelpMe!, a serious game to improve the rehabilitation process for children with CVI" was presented . It is one of the first results from the project "Cerebral Visual Impairment in infants and preschool children: new tools for assessment of visual, cognitive and socio-cognitive assessment" (proff. Gaggi O. e Palazzi C., Dipartimento di Matematica; proff. L. Nota e T.M. Sgaramella)
Electroencephalographic-based Resuscitatio Index Computer Aided
(Geneva, 18/05/2013 from 16:00 to 18:00)
Workshop within the World Summit on the Information Society 2013 on the research project ERICA / vocatio aims to develop and validate a pediatric awareness-measurer. Organized by the International Telecommunication Union, ITU, a specialized agency of the United Nations. Under the patronage of the University Centre for Disability Services and Research, Rehabilitation and Integration, Padova Hospital, the non-profit organizations DACCAPO and Computer Scientists Without Borders.
For more details, please refer to
Vocational Designing and Career Counselling: Challenges and New Horizons
Organized in collaboration with the LaRIOS Laboratory; promoter of the symposium on Disability, Career Guidance and Counseling.
12-13 and 14 September 2011 - Padova, Italy
» view site
“Organize ourselves!” Disability, human rights and participation, one day workshop on financed by the University of Padova and organized by the Students' Union - April 23, 2012
Workshop on "Disability and Vocational Guidance"
12th Guidance for School and Career Choices: Research, Education, Applications
May 12-13-14, 2010
National S.I.O. Conferences (Italian Society for Vocational Guidance)
Workshop on "Disability and Vocational Guidance"
11th Guidance for School and Career Choices: Research, Education, Applications
June 18-19, 2009
National S.I.O. Conferences (Italian Society for Vocational Guidance)
Workshop on "Disability and Vocational Guidance"
10th Guidance for School and Career Choices: Research, Education, Applications
May 15-16-17, 2008
National S.I.O. Conferences (Italian Society for Vocational Guidance)
7th National Conference on Disability, Treatment and Inclusion
June 7-8-9, 2007
6th National Conference on Disability, Treatment and Inclusion
June 8-9-10, 2006
5th National Conference on Disability, Treatment and Inclusion
June 9-10-11, 2005
4th National Conference on Disability, Treatment and Inclusion
June 10-11-12, 2004
3th National Conference on Disability, Treatment and Inclusion
May 29-30-31, 2003
2th National Conference on Disability, Treatment and Inclusion
May 30-31 and June 1, 2002
1th National Conference on Disability, Treatment and Inclusion
June 10-11-12, 2001
- Seminar on Computer in Pediatrics - May 2012 (O. Gaggi and Palazzi C., Department of Mathematics; Soresi S., L. Nota and TM Sgaramella, Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization; Mancin R., Department of Women's Health and Child;
- One day workshops organized in collaboration with the LaRIOS laboratory and IHRTeam - January 19 and April 12, 2012
- 8th Seminar on New Technologies for New Skills - A.A 2009-2010
- 7th Seminar on New Technologies for New Skills - A.A 2008-2009
- 6th Seminar on New Technologies for New Skills - A.A 2007-2008
- 5th Seminar on New Technologies for New Skills - A.A 2006-2007
- 4th Seminar on New Technologies for New Skills - A.A 1998-1999
- 3rd Seminar on New Technologies for New Skills - A.A 1997-1998
- 2nd Seminar on New Technologies for New Skills - A.A 1996-1997
- 1st Seminar on New Technologies for New Skills - A.A 1995-1996
Workshop: “Disability and work at the University”
(Padova, 31 maggio 2013)
The workshop has taken place in the Aula Nievo, Palazzo del Bo, on May 31 2013. It has been organized by the Association “The unsinkables” under the patronage of Centro di Ateneo di Servizi e Ricerca per la Disabilità, la Riabilitazione e l'Integrazione.
The following members of the scientific committee participated in the workshop:
- prof. Salvatore Soresi
- doct. Roberto Mancin
- prof.ssa Laura Nota
Conference program (pdf)